My goodness this year is flying by... in no time at all I'll be applying to graduate schools, hearing back from them and jumping on another moving carpet that is always speeding up. :-) It's at once new and exciting, bittersweet and exhausting.
I look back at all the time I wasn't using, and while not quite berating myself for its lack of use, wish I could spend a few of those frittered hours now with Annie: talking, walking, singing. There is something about being with her that makes me operate at my best.
I am glad I can be a source of inspiration for Taylor. I remember the first time he told me how I affected him, soon after we started dating. He had a paper to write, and he decided to write it at my place instead of his dorm room. Time wore on in the evening, and it got later and later. I decided to go to sleep, but he wanted to stay and finish his paper, which was fine with me.
The next day, I found out that he had stayed up much later than he had planned, and he had a full day that day. He told me, though, that whenever he felt like giving up, he would look over at me, asleep, and he was somehow able to keep writing because of me.
I don't quite understand it. I don't know how I can be such an inspiration to someone--I don't think I'm particularly amazing. But I suppose that's the grace that comes with Love: one is transformed into someone new, and wholly good in another's eyes. He loves you so much, he sees you as God sees you. It's beautiful.
And I love him.