Greetings All,
Annie, Elliott, Abby, Garrett and I went to the Martin Family's annual Christmas Party last night, and, as always, had a wonderful time catching up with everyone and spreading the ol' Christmas Cheer around to their neighbors.
I had a wonderful talk with Yuri regarding business ventures and the number of good, young people (who are, oddly enough, philosophically minded) interested in business and starting their own enterprises. I look forward to meeting with some of these people at some point. :-) Gabe and Marissa were there, Marissa is due the 6th and she is ready to have that baby out! They are awesome together and I can't wait for them to be fully parents. Rae is doing well too, though archtecture is filling her plate these days. She's living with Maddy next year which will be wonderful for the both of them, to see eachother all the time and catch up and whatnot. Katie and Mike are doing well too. I didn't know Mike was working at TAC but he seems to be enjoying it quite a bit and Katie can't wait to be done at GU. The Morey Family was there too and it is so good to see them, they make me smile whenever I do. Noah is majoring in Theology at Stubenville, Burns is getting married in a week (yay!), Briget is leaving for the convent after the wedding at some point, Eric is at TAC, and Malts is Abby's bestest friend.
It's so
good to interact with good people! The ideas, spirit, catholicism, friendship, family, encouragement, and fun that always happens when we get together is truely blessed. :-)
Praise the Lord for Life and Love! Merry Christmas Eve!