"When we step into a family...we step into a fairytale." --Chesterton

More Information

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


We are nearly finished with our home study.  Bethany Christian Services, the agency we have been working with, has been fantastic and our case worker is a wonderful, supportive woman.  Understandably, we were a bit trepidatious when the idea of adoption cropped up in our heads.  We are young. We are a (poor) student couple. We have a one-bedroom apartment. But BCS immediately saw the Love we could give a child, and our worker has learned that we are most able to support a child.  Although we are an atypical couple to be adopting, it's wholly natural to us to be opening our hearts to a new little member of our family.

My friends and family have told us that they feel like I am pregnant.  It's the same feeling for them, knowing we are expecting a child through adoption, as if the child was growing inside me.  This is a joy for me to hear.  Sometimes, I find it difficult to believe we are "expecting" (which makes sense), and seeing the excitement in those faces and hearing the anticipation in their voices helps bolster my own anxiety and excitement and anticipation and nervousness and joy and hope.  All my muddled and confused emotions seem to be best sorted out when I talk with those who are closest to me.  Where would we be without each other?

All this to say, having a child is slowly becoming more of a reality for me.  Are there similar emotions that surface during pregnancy?  Are the two comparable at all? Should they be compared?  I am certainly content to have all my children through adoption, but what fun it would be to be blessed by pregnancy so I can have both experiences!

For now, we wait. Once our home study is finished we hope to make a connection with an expectant mother through our agency and move forward from there.  Who can say when our child will be born.. "pregnant" but with an unknown due date :) what an interesting adventure adoption can be!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We are expecting!  That is, in a certain sense, we are expecting.  We have no idea when our child will be born, because we haven't met the expectant mother yet.  For all we know, he may have been born already and is just waiting for us to find him.  You see, we are adopting! 

We have contacted an agency in the Boston area and will begin the process with them in April.  Many of our questions will be answered there, I'm sure.  At this point, we suspect that a newborn infant adoption will work out best, but we are open to other possibilities. God grants children in many different ways! 

We received some great advice from a friend-of-a-friend who said that, in her experience, newborn adoptions work out best when the contact is made through a personal connection--someone who knows an expectant mother, and knows that she may be considering adoption, getting in touch with us to establish the first contact.

So, this is an Announcement :)  If you know any expectant mothers hoping to make an adoption plan, please let us know!  We have been longing for a child for many years and are very excited and hopeful at welcoming a Little One into our lives. 

Feel free to share our news with friends and family. Spread the word! Hopefully we can make a connection.  

I hope to make this blog a resource where those interested can find out more about us. Feedback is welcome!